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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1931

Plan & Support for PASD FNDH driver implementation

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      A roadmap & design towards implementing a PaSD driver is established

      A preliminary implementation of core driver functionality commenced and testbench demonstrated (to what ever extent achieved) at the end of the PI.

      A roadmap & design towards implementing a PaSD driver is established A preliminary implementation of core driver functionality commenced and testbench demonstrated (to what ever extent achieved) at the end of the PI.
    • 1.5
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    • 3.333
    • Team_MCCS
    • Sprint 5
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      MCCS planned an architecture for the PaSD Tango control system and realized it under this gitlab repo. Documentation is available under read-the-docs.

      Functional tests, as per our PI18 test plan, are deployed against the STFC cloud, This demonstrates the basic functionality, turning FNDH and Smartbox device on/off &c. These are run against a simulator as the low-level device driver work has been assigned to Team Wombat.

      The team gave guidance (architecture, tool set, &c) to Team Wombat so that they could proceed with their part once the Tango devices were in place. Once the low-level drivers are realized it will be possible to deploy against real hardware to run the functional tests.

      (Note that the test plan ticket is left marked as to-do pending availability of the hardware-facing deployment with low-level drivers. This ticket will likely be re-linked to an appropriate PI19 feature to proceed with test execution. The work defining tests for PI18 is done and the tests have passed against the simulated PaSD.)

      Work (MCCS-764) was also started on refactoring MCCS to replace APIU with FNDH. However, some design decisions are being revisited and this work will likely complete in PI19 instead. This does not affect the outcome of this feature.

      MCCS planned an architecture for the PaSD Tango control system and realized it under this gitlab repo . Documentation is available under read-the-docs . Functional tests, as per our PI18 test plan , are deployed against the STFC cloud, This demonstrates the basic functionality, turning FNDH and Smartbox device on/off &c. These are run against a simulator as the low-level device driver work has been assigned to Team Wombat. The team gave guidance (architecture, tool set, &c) to Team Wombat so that they could proceed with their part once the Tango devices were in place. Once the low-level drivers are realized it will be possible to deploy against real hardware to run the functional tests. (Note that the test plan ticket is left marked as to-do pending availability of the hardware-facing deployment with low-level drivers. This ticket will likely be re-linked to an appropriate PI19 feature to proceed with test execution. The work defining tests for PI18 is done and the tests have passed against the simulated PaSD.) Work ( MCCS-764 ) was also started on refactoring MCCS to replace APIU with FNDH. However, some design decisions are being revisited and this work will likely complete in PI19 instead. This does not affect the outcome of this feature.
    • 18.6
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_MCCS mccs_software solution-goal-2
    • SOL-G2


      The Power and Signal Distribution System (PaSD) for SKA Low is being built by Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy. Following corrospondance with the group it was apparent that there was little to no mention of the control system using a database to interface with PaSD. The assumption seems to be that MCCS will interface with PaSD using MODBUS over TCP. A visit by MCCS team member D.Devereux clarified what stage the interface was at and based upon this a series of recommendations were made in order to pursue implementing a functionable control system. This is captured in MCCS-696 - PaSD control system

      This feature will aim to assess and begin to build a stage PaSD driver integral to MCCS.


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                v.mohile Mohile, Vivek
                r.braddock Braddock, Ralph
                0 Vote for this issue
                2 Start watching this issue

                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (93.33%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.5

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do12.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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