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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1661

SDP Data Management

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    • Feature
    • Must have
    • PI15
    • COM SDP SW
    • None
    • Data Processing
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      Reliable reading/writing of data is fundamentally required for SDP workflows to be able to successfully complete and provide output data. Management of this process will ensure that SDP workflows can be run and tested.

      Reliable reading/writing of data is fundamentally required for SDP workflows to be able to successfully complete and provide output data. Management of this process will ensure that SDP workflows can be run and tested.
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      To be discussed with teams and finalised during planning:

      • Defined data volumes including access instructions for input test data, output data and relevant metadata.
      • Updated code releases including required changes as appropriate.
      To be discussed with teams and finalised during planning: Defined data volumes including access instructions for input test data, output data and relevant metadata. Updated code releases including required changes as appropriate.
    • Intra Program
    • 2
    • 2
    • 12.5
    • Team_ORCA
    • Sprint 3
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      We have partially implemented SDP data management. We chose to pursue the idea of using a single shared volume to store the data that is written by SDP processing blocks. ADR-55 proposes how the data (and metadata) should should be managed: data products are written to a directory whose path contains the execution block and processing block IDs.

      On a Kubernetes cluster the storage would ideally be realised as a persistent volume shared between the control and processing namespaces, so the control system and services can see the data written by the processing deployments. This has so far proved impossible to implement on the DP cluster, which delayed the completion of this feature. In order to make progress with the visibility receive processing script, we implemented a temporary workaround in some of the Orca team namespaces to use non-shared volumes.

      We have created a draft MR to update the SDP integration tests to use an existing persistent volume for the visibility receive test, where is is available, with the intention of running it on the persistent deployment in the dp-shared(-p) namespaces. At the moment it runs on a persistent deployment in Nijin's namespaces.

      The MR should be updated when it is decided what to do about the dp-shared(-p) namespaces. We could apply the workaround and use non-shared volumes for the time being. However, it would be preferable to find a solution that allows us to share persistent volumes between namespaces and implement that straight away. This needs the assistance of the System team.

      We have partially implemented SDP data management. We chose to pursue the idea of using a single shared volume to store the data that is written by SDP processing blocks. ADR-55 proposes how the data (and metadata) should should be managed: data products are written to a directory whose path contains the execution block and processing block IDs. On a Kubernetes cluster the storage would ideally be realised as a persistent volume shared between the control and processing namespaces, so the control system and services can see the data written by the processing deployments. This has so far proved impossible to implement on the DP cluster, which delayed the completion of this feature. In order to make progress with the visibility receive processing script, we implemented a temporary workaround in some of the Orca team namespaces to use non-shared volumes. We have created a draft MR to update the SDP integration tests to use an existing persistent volume for the visibility receive test, where is is available, with the intention of running it on the persistent deployment in the dp-shared(-p) namespaces. At the moment it runs on a persistent deployment in Nijin's namespaces. The MR should be updated when it is decided what to do about the dp-shared(-p) namespaces. We could apply the workaround and use non-shared volumes for the time being. However, it would be preferable to find a solution that allows us to share persistent volumes between namespaces and implement that straight away. This needs the assistance of the System team.
    • 17.5
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • SPO-1775 SPO-1782



      • SDP developer, UI developer

      What? (outcomes)

      • When the CBF emulator is started it can be easily configured to pick up test input data
      • When a visibility receive workflow is started it knows where and how to write data (Measurement Sets) as well as associated metadata (see ADR-55)
      • When we run successive visibility receive workflows to capture data in SDP, this results in data products that can be listed, inspected, and downloaded


      • A critical function of SDP we need for AA0.5 (but also earlier testing) is being able to run multiple successive observations capturing visibility data.
      • This is needed for the sandbox SDP exploratory testing we hope to achieve by the end of PI15


      • ADR-55 (Metadata management)


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                D.Fenech Fenech, Danielle
                b.mort Mort, Ben
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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