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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1610

Automate SDP integration testing


    • Feature
    • Not Assigned
    • PI10
    • COM SDP SW
    • None
    • Data Processing
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      • Tests of SDP as a subsystem are run automatically whenever there is a change to the Helm chart.
      • When SP-1611 is implemented, the tests will run whenever there is a change to an SDP library or component.
      • Problems with the SDP subsystem are more likely to be caught before integration with SKAMPI.
      Tests of SDP as a subsystem are run automatically whenever there is a change to the Helm chart. When SP-1611 is implemented, the tests will run whenever there is a change to an SDP library or component. Problems with the SDP subsystem are more likely to be caught before integration with SKAMPI.
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      • Tests of the SDP subsystem, as instantiated by the Helm chart, have been added the CI pipeline in the SDP Integration repository
      • An investigation of the mechanisms that SKAMPI uses for testing and how to abstract them for use in other repositories
      Tests of the SDP subsystem, as instantiated by the Helm chart, have been added the CI pipeline in the SDP Integration repository An investigation of the mechanisms that SKAMPI uses for testing and how to abstract them for use in other repositories
    • 3
    • 3
    • 0
    • Team_SIM
    • Sprint 4
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      We have implemented BDD tests for the SDP subsystem in the CI pipeline of the SDP Integration repository. The tests we implemented are relatively simple, but the mechanisms for installing the Helm chart on a cluster and controlling and observing the SDP are in place. This will provide a basis for elaborating the tests as needed.

      Parts of the infrastructure for SKAMPI testing have been reused in this work. The tests run on the STFC Cloud Kubernetes cluster and use branch-based namespaces with authentication for an external user to connected to the test deployment. We investigated the test harnesses for controlling and observing SKAMPI, but found they were not a good fit for the SDP tests in their current form.

      We have implemented BDD tests for the SDP subsystem in the CI pipeline of the SDP Integration repository. The tests we implemented are relatively simple, but the mechanisms for installing the Helm chart on a cluster and controlling and observing the SDP are in place. This will provide a basis for elaborating the tests as needed. Parts of the infrastructure for SKAMPI testing have been reused in this work. The tests run on the STFC Cloud Kubernetes cluster and use branch-based namespaces with authentication for an external user to connected to the test deployment. We investigated the test harnesses for controlling and observing SKAMPI, but found they were not a good fit for the SDP tests in their current form.
    • 10.5
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI22 - UNCOVERED


      The SDP Integration repository, which contains the Helm chart, does not have any tests as part of its CI pipeline. This is the natural place for tests of the SDP as a subsystem to live. This feature is to add these tests so they are run automatically as part of the build and release process.

      The SKAMPI repository contains a lot of the infrastructure for installing Helm charts on a Kubernetes cluster and running tests on Tango devices. Part of this work will be to investigate how this infrastructure works and how to abstract it for use in other repositories.


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                p.wortmann Wortmann, Peter
                m.ashdown Ashdown, Mark
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 3.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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