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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1577

Provide a test data manager component

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    • Obs Mgt & Controls
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      To simplify and organize handling of data to be used by BDD and system tests.

      To simplify and organize handling of data to be used by BDD and system tests.
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      • as a tester I should be able to put my input data under version control in a git repo; 
      • as an initial example, let's say data=JSON configuration strings of subarrays and other devices/components; 
      • such data should be referred to/used by test code (pytest fixtures or the like); testers would use "name/ID" and "version" to identify, within the data manager, a particular data object; (version might be a git tag);
      • the data manager module/package will allow the tester to list existing data objects, to filter them, to select one; the "data curator" should be able to update data.
      • How to include and refer test data is clearly documented as part of the developer portal and the code is part of the testing runway.
      • The Solution Intent is updated accordingly, possibly at https://confluence.skatelescope.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=93224993 
      as a tester I should be able to put my input data under version control in a git repo;  as an initial example, let's say data=JSON configuration strings of subarrays and other devices/components;  such data should be referred to/used by test code (pytest fixtures or the like); testers would use "name/ID" and "version" to identify, within the data manager, a particular data object; (version might be a git tag); the data manager module/package will allow the tester to list existing data objects, to filter them, to select one; the "data curator" should be able to update data. How to include and refer test data is clearly documented as part of the developer portal and the code is part of the testing runway. The Solution Intent is updated accordingly, possibly at  https://confluence.skatelescope.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=93224993  
    • 1
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    • 13
    • Team_KAROO
    • Sprint 5
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      most of the SKA teams will have tests that use the data manager code.

      most of the SKA teams will have tests that use the data manager code.
    • 10.6
    • Solution Intent Updated, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Accepted by FO
    • PI25 - UNCOVERED

    • Cross_Team_Code_Review testing
    • SPO-863


      The need

      The problem is that system-level tests (and BDD ones) need to use test reference data* in order to control the SUT and check its output. Such data needs to produced, validated, versioned. And therefore we need mechanisms to store them, to update them, to reference them. We will need also a policy and a process to define such data, revise them, approve changes, and likely somebody who is in charge (a "data curator").

      It might make sense to distinguish handling of input data to drive/control the SUT vs data used when checking the output of the SUT.

      One aspect that needs to be considered is the size of the data. When we will start using images and ???? then storing them, versioning them and trasnferring them would become an issue.

      In general terms we are focusing here on a component of the Test Automation Architecture which could be called Test Data Manager.


      this is data that is used by tests to exercise & check the SUT; the test script would not change these data. For example, configuration strings, user credentials, etc. These data are different from the data produced by the SUT when working. 




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                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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