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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1371

Robust, stateful and configurable MVP fixtures (Mid and Low) for configure and assignment

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      Provide testers with a quick and robust means of writing end-to-end tests on MVP without having to focus on setting up and tearing down MVP state.

      Provide testers with a quick and robust means of writing end-to-end tests on MVP without having to focus on setting up and tearing down MVP state.
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      Fixtures must be delivered with a basic "dummy" empty test that calls the fixture and passes the setup and tear-down successfully.

      Unit tests for the fixture implementation modules and functions must pass

      Fixtures must be delivered with a basic "dummy" empty test that calls the fixture and passes the setup and tear-down successfully. Unit tests for the fixture implementation modules and functions must pass
    • 3
    • 3
    • 7
    • Team_KAROO
    • Sprint 5
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      Robust means of writing end-to-end tests on MVP (without having to focus on setting up and tearing down MVP state) provided to testers, so increasing their productivity.

      Robust means of writing end-to-end tests on MVP (without having to focus on setting up and tearing down MVP state) provided to testers, so increasing their productivity.
    • 11.1
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Demonstrated


      As a tester writing BDD end to end tests, I want to use generic telescope wide fixtures that take responsibility for setting up and tearing down the MVP into at least the following states:

      1. Telescope "running": all components are switch on and ready to be commanded
      2. "subarray <n> composed/assigned": a specific subarray is composed of a set of resources based on predefined input parameters as fixtures.
      3. "subarray <n> configured": a specific subarray is configured to perform a scan based on predefined input parameters given as fixtures.

      The setting up and tearing down of a fixture must ensure correct synchronization takes place based on event waiting from tango subscriptions, that can also be configured to the extend of providing diagnostic information to the tester.

      The setting up and tearing down of a fixture should be able to be robust against failures introduced by accident in testing scripts as well as dormant bugs in the MVP itself.

      The fixtures must be parametrized to the extend of allowing a tester to alter the setup based on typically given statements in a feature file.

      The fixtures must also parametrize whether the MVP under test is Mid based or Low based.

      Note, the designed fixtures shall be part of the SKA-testing-runway repository and will make use of the already existing modules and prototype fixtures to implement the solution  (see https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-testing-runway)



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                g.leroux Le Roux, Gerhard [X] (Inactive)
                g.leroux Le Roux, Gerhard [X] (Inactive)
                0 Vote for this issue
                4 Start watching this issue

                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 3.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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