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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1267

Reduce Container Drag: Set cardinality of SKAMPI components

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    • Feature
    • Not Assigned
    • PI10
    • None
    • Obs Mgt & Controls
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      This ticket arose from problem workshop see (https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_koKNl68=/?moveToWidget=3074457349549897367&cot=12)

      Setting the cardinality allows for convenient scaling up or down of the MVP dependent on the particular need for the deployment instance. The ability to set the size/cardinality very low should make it easier for developers to create run time environments upon which they can test their work. The ability to quickly scale up would also allow for testing scalability issues.

      This ticket arose from problem workshop see ( https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_koKNl68=/?moveToWidget=3074457349549897367&cot=12 ) Setting the cardinality allows for convenient scaling up or down of the MVP dependent on the particular need for the deployment instance. The ability to set the size/cardinality very low should make it easier for developers to create run time environments upon which they can test their work. The ability to quickly scale up would also allow for testing scalability issues.
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      The deliverable should be a template function (or factory) that could in principle be used by any user wishing to deploy more of the same TANGO devices. A smoke test should be available to demonstrate successful deployment after setting cardinality to 1, 2, and more than 2.

      The deliverable should be a template function (or factory) that could in principle be used by any user wishing to deploy more of the same TANGO devices. A smoke test should be available to demonstrate successful deployment after setting cardinality to 1, 2, and more than 2.
    • 2
    • 8
    • 9.6
    • PI22 - UNCOVERED


      As a developer investigating or testing my work on a deployed MVP, I  would like to control how much of the same type of objects are being deployed (e.g. subarrays, dishes,VCCs, FSPs) using a deployment-time value (e.g. YAML values file or as a make file target in a --set command); So as to reduce the number of "dead weight" pods being deployed. 

      Note: The implementation can be done using helm template functions that deploy tango device pods by means of iterating over a range for which the size of the list will be set using a value in the values.yaml file. 


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                g.leroux Le Roux, Gerhard [X] (Inactive)
                g.leroux Le Roux, Gerhard [X] (Inactive)
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                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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