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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1266

Reduce Container Drag: generate a multi device server using chart based paramaters only (values.yaml)


    • Feature
    • Not Assigned
    • PI10
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    • Obs Mgt & Controls
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      This ticket arose from a problem workshop (see https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_koKNl68=/?moveToWidget=3074457349549897367&cot=12)

      By reducing the number of containers and interprocess communication I have less need for a large execution environment for development. Changing inter processing to intra-processing communication should also reduce the latency involved in communicating between two parallel routines. 

      This ticket arose from a problem workshop (see  https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_koKNl68=/?moveToWidget=3074457349549897367&cot=12 ) By reducing the number of containers and interprocess communication I have less need for a large execution environment for development. Changing inter processing to intra-processing communication should also reduce the latency involved in communicating between two parallel routines. 
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      Demonstrate using the current tango example how such a configuration can be done.

      Demonstrate using the current tango example how such a configuration can be done.
    • 1.5
    • 1
    • 8.667
    • Team_SYSTEM
    • Sprint 2
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      The refactor of the tango-util library helm chart has been completed, and the tango example has been refactored to use it. Documentation is available here https://developer.skatelescope.org/projects/ska-tango-images/en/latest/helm_charts.html#the-tango-util-helm-chart . Also, the changed library has been integrated with Skampi but the new features have not been activated. This will need to be done by each team.

      The refactor of the tango-util library helm chart has been completed, and the tango example has been refactored to use it. Documentation is available here https://developer.skatelescope.org/projects/ska-tango-images/en/latest/helm_charts.html#the-tango-util-helm-chart . Also, the changed library has been integrated with Skampi but the new features have not been activated. This will need to be done by each team.
    • 10.3
    • Demonstrated


      As a developer, I want to specify the configuration of a device server using the domain language of tango only and in a single location (values.yaml) of the chart used to deploy the application. In particular, the device configuration shall determine how a device server is composed out of multiple devices (as instances of their particular classes defined in the module). However, in general, the configuration shall be exhaustive in nature in that all the deployment configuration data shall be contained here, thus replacing or refactoring the current dsconfig mechanism requiring a seperate configuration in a json file.



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                g.leroux Le Roux, Gerhard [X] (Inactive)
                g.leroux Le Roux, Gerhard [X] (Inactive)
                0 Vote for this issue
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.5

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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