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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1183

Establish online documentation (eg. readthedocs) and script repository for current and future SKA1 instrumental simulations

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      Simulations have already played an important role in developing the SKA, and this is expected to continue into construction and commissioning with contribution from users and developers outside of the current DP agile teams.

      An single online location that provides discovery and documentation will allow new advanced SKA users and developers of simulations (eg. system scientists, AIV engineers, and SDP workflow developers) to be able to more easily run, modify and contribute to simulations in future, reducing the risk of duplication of work.

      Simulations have already played an important role in developing the SKA, and this is expected to continue into construction and commissioning with contribution from users and developers outside of the current DP agile teams. An single online location that provides discovery and documentation will allow new advanced SKA users and developers of simulations (eg. system scientists, AIV engineers, and SDP workflow developers) to be able to more easily run, modify and contribute to simulations in future, reducing the risk of duplication of work.
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      • Read-the-docs website (or equivalent) with suitable hierarchical structure that can be used to describe current and future SKA1 simulations. Simulations described by this should include:
        • A short description of what the simulation does / is used for.
        • A description of inputs, configuration, and any outputs that have already been generated
        • The dependencies and requirements (including compute hardware) for running each simulation
      • Description of how to contribute new simulations to this website and where scripts and simulation data (inputs and results) are be stored / hosted either as part of this simulations website and/or in the on-boarding documentation. – partially complete in that repositories and documentation should be sufficiently flexible to accommodate. Details of procedure to be done in future feature.
      • Update/refactor structure of simulation script repos in SKA Gitlab using hierarchical subgroups or otherwise (e.g. structure within a repo) to aid in discoverability of simulation scripts in GitLab.
        • Stretch: Simulation repos updated to report against CI metrics.
      • Socialise and review (with at least one other team on the ART) the process for contributing new SKA simulations to this space (if this feature is successful all future SKA simulations will be required to be added to this) – To be done in a future feature.
      Read-the-docs website (or equivalent) with suitable hierarchical structure that can be used to describe current and future SKA1 simulations. Simulations described by this should include: A short description of what the simulation does / is used for. A description of inputs, configuration, and any outputs that have already been generated The dependencies and requirements (including compute hardware) for running each simulation Description of how to contribute new simulations to this website and where scripts and simulation data (inputs and results) are be stored / hosted either as part of this simulations website and/or in the on-boarding documentation. – partially complete in that repositories and documentation should be sufficiently flexible to accommodate. Details of procedure to be done in future feature. Update/refactor structure of simulation script repos in SKA Gitlab using hierarchical subgroups or otherwise (e.g. structure within a repo) to aid in discoverability of simulation scripts in GitLab. Stretch: Simulation repos updated to report against CI metrics. Socialise and review (with at least one other team on the ART) the process for contributing new SKA simulations to this space (if this feature is successful all future SKA simulations will be required to be added to this) – To be done in a future feature.
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    • Team_SIM
    • Sprint 3
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      Simulation scripts have been collected in two repositories, one for Low and one for Mid:


      Each has a CI pipeline that lints the scripts.

      The documentation will be available in the developer portal shortly (waiting for the System team to add them as sub-projects):


      Simulation scripts have been collected in two repositories, one for Low and one for Mid: https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-low-simulations https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-mid-simulations Each has a CI pipeline that lints the scripts. The documentation will be available in the developer portal shortly (waiting for the System team to add them as sub-projects): https://developer.skatelescope.org/projects/ska-low-simulations/en/latest/?badge=latest https://developer.skatelescope.org/projects/ska-mid-simulations/en/latest/?badge=latest
    • 8.4
    • Stories Completed, Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Accepted by FO
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • SPO-687 SPO-721


      Single simulation script repository or repository groups using suitable GitLab sub-groups to improve discoverability and provide a well defined naming scheme for future simulation scripts.

      This should result in future scripts reporting against software quality metrics (ie PEP-8, PEP-257 compliance) and include tests where possible (while it is understood that automated tests will not always be possible for simulation scripts, consider adding or describing an option to run with input configuration which verifies expected behaviour for a subset of the data).

      Online documentation (eg using readthedocs) should provide a single entrypoint to discover what SKA simulations have been run, links to scripts, and outputs where appropriate. 

      Online documentation should also describe or link to all tools/codes being used for SKA simulations including sufficient information on input data (description and links to data in GCP), configuration, dependencies, and compute requirements sufficient to allow an advanced user (eg an SKA commissioning or system scientist) to repeat simulations with adjusted or additional inputs.



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                D.Fenech Fenech, Danielle
                b.mort Mort, Ben
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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