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  1. Risk ROAM
  2. ROAM-358

LOW CBF resource allocation and configuration



    • PI Risk
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • PI16
    • None
    • Program
    • Obs Mgt & Controls
    • Team_PERENTIE
    • PDT_LD, PDT_SW
    • Mitigate


      The complete picture of how TMC allocates and configures resources (to Low.CBF knowledge) does not exist. This is a critical aspect of the OMC train (this is their bread-and-butter right?) which needs to be teased out of all subsystems to ensure that there is consistency, a working plan, and critically functional and efficient interfaces. The risk here is that the control system grows bit-by-bit each PI and will require significant refactoring (and possibly a complete rewrite) at a later date, which will have significant schedule and cost implications. The risk here is we end up with bandaids on a bandaid based control system.
      Similar to above the details are unknown which only means that risk is accumulating and not being mitigated. The risk is that the biggest player (the OMC train) has more power than the small products and will not make any changes and force the small products to make all the changes and be forced to accommodate not necessarily well informed decisions at the top. Possibly Low.CBF is missing a key bit of documentation.
      Low.CBF would like to make SKAO aware of the issues, and to also state that we are working on feature SP-2689 Overall Tango Control Flow - determine overall configuration flow TMC/LMC/CBF to see if this risk can be mitigated early to avoid large amounts of refactoring.


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                a.bridger Bridger, Alan
                m.bartolini Bartolini, Marco
                0 Vote for this issue
                3 Start watching this issue



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